Tag Archives: Rhinoplasty

Ask Dr. K: “Why do I often hear about rhinoplasties along with chin implants?

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When patients initially come to me discuss the possibility of a rhinoplasty they often are just focused on their nose and how to correct the shape or size of it.  However, as a cosmetic surgeon, I am looking at the whole picture.  Everything is about balance and proportion.  There are some patients who simply can just get away with a rhinoplasty and nothing more.  However, with other patients, no matter how small you make their nose, if they have a weak chin then their nose will never look proportionate to the rest of the face.  I suggest chin implants because when one part of the face is changed I also take into consideration how the whole face will look post surgery.  Also, the profile is a very important aspect to remember and a chin implant can dramatically change a person’s profile.

Take a look at some pictures below of patients who had rhinoplasties with chin implants.  The results are remarkable!:

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Dads Want to Look Good Too!



Father’s Day is just another week away and while traditionally, dads are given gifts like ties, golf clubs and grilling tools, a new trend is on the horizon.  In recent years, dads have been trading in those ties for plastic surgery.  

Since 2012, the ASPS (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) has reported that “the number of cosmetic procedures for men increased over 106% from 1997″ and the most popular procedures for men were ” liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, breast reduction to treat enlarged male breast, and ear shaping.”  While plastic surgery is classically very female driven, it is obvious that men are becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of cosmetic surgery and treatments to reverse the signs of aging and get their ideal bodies. 

There are many gift options for any dad at Lift MD Aesthetics, from injectables and facials that are tailored specifically for men to skincare products that will help soothe the effects of shaving.  If you can’t decide what to get your dad, you can always pick up a gift card any amount, as well. Your dad will be looking as good as he feels this Father’s Day!

For more information, please visit us at http://www.liftmd.com or call 310-285-0400.

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 






The Secret to A Famous Face

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More and more we see celebrities and reality stars debuting more proportionate facial features that seem to balance overall features and create a more proportional look. How are they doing this? Although the right makeup and haircut can do wonders, there is a little secret that some of hollywood’s most beautiful hold in their back pocket.

In the recent Bravo reality series, Vanderpump Rules, lead character Stassi Schroeder reveals she received a chin implant as a high school graduation present. Attributing her modeling jobs and recent success to her more defined chin, which helped her face appear more defined and not as round. Other celebrity figures that have reportedly had similar procedures to enhance their looks include Kim Kardashian, Bristol Palin and Ashlee Simpson.

Researchers and experts alike say that patients are oftentimes more satisfied with their results if they also receive a chin implant when they undergo rhinoplasty. The reason why? Many people don’t understand the affect changing one element of their face will have on the overall balance of their entire look. An expert surgeon will know how to make these two distinct facial features proportionate creating a more natural looking facial structure. In many cases, however, a chin implant can be performed on it’s own to complement the patients existing features.

Everyone’s individual preferences are different and not every patient may need both procedures. Remember to always discuss all possible options with your expert surgeon prior to going into surgery. If you or someone you know are interested in discussing these procedures in further detail, contact Lift MD Aesthetics®

Actual Patient

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



The Executive Chinplant

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In an era of fierce competition in the work place, and multi-media correspondence, ala Facetime  and Video Conferencing, it’s no wonder male executives are wanting to look their best.  An easy way achieve natural-looking and masculine facial enhancement is with a chin implant, or chinplant.

An Executive Chinplant is intended to enhance the overall balance of the face. For instance, a weak chin make one’s nose appear larger and can even make the neck appear to have more fat. Adversely, a chin that is too large will steal focus from other features and will dominate the person’s appearance. Ideally, there should be a balanced relationship between the features and the structure of the face.

Although chin augmentation can be a routine procedure it is crucial, as with any surgery, that you do your research. Is your doctor board certified? Has your doctor performed this before and can you see before and after images? You can never be too informed when it comes to your health and safety so be sure to ask the tough questions and really make sure this something you want.

I have many male patients who have received a chin augmentation, either on it’s own or complimentary to a rhinoplasty. If you have any questions, would like more information or would like to see more images of my patients with a chin augmentation, please contact me at my office.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210





It’s All About The Chin: A Patient’s Transformation


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It’s amazing how minor adjustments can make a world of difference to someone’s appearance. Many patients visit Lift MD Aesthetics® either wanting a rhinoplasty, or are generally dissatisfied with their appearance and can’t pinpoint the problem–and often fail to pay attention what their chin is doing to their overall appearance. Frequently, the chin is a instrumental factor in the balance and harmony of the face and a chin augmentation can make the difference.


Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are The Most Common Procedures for Men?

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A large percentage of my clientele is male. People may assume that women are mostly seeking plastic surgery but in reality, many men share similar concerns. I get men from all walk of life; the high-powered executive to the college student looking for a change. Although their concerns may differ, they all want an improvement on their looks for one reason or another.
Some of the most common men’s surgeries I perform, in order of popularity include liposuctionrhinoplastyblepharoplasty, breast reduction (gynecomastia) and facelifts.
It is even more important to men that their plastic surgery goes virtually unnoticed and their results look as natural as possible. With technological advances, over a decade in training and board certification, I am able to achieve these results in all my male patients. For more information about what cosmetic enhancements are available for male patients, or to schedule a consultation, contact Lift MD Aesthetics® today.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are My Options with Rhinoplasty?

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One of the most popular and sought after surgeries I perform is a Rhinoplasty, or what many of my patients refer to as, a nose job. Rhinoplasty improves the appearance and proportion of your nose, enhancing your facial balance and visual focal point.

An ideal candidate for Rhinoplasty is someone who wants to reshape their nose so that it better compliments their other facial features.  In addition to the cosmetic benefits, this procedure may also correct a nose injury or help relieve serious breathing problems. All these occurrences are common and I receive many patients with one or several of these complaints.

When considering a Rhinoplasty, one of the most important elements is finding a surgeon who can realistically meet your expectations, is board certified and has the results to prove they are qualified.  Research and patient reviews are both critical tools to use in your search for a qualified surgeon.

My cutting-edge techniques can help you reshape your nose and let your beauty shine through with proven results and innumerable positive patient reviews.  My knowledge in Rhinoplasty and expertise in aesthetic plastic surgery can help you in achieving the look you have always wanted.

A Rhinoplasty may be a viable option for you. For more information or to set a up a consultation to speak with me personally, please call Lift MD Aesthetics® at 310-285-0400.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are My Options with Rhinoplasty?


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One of the most popular and sought after surgeries I perform is a Rhinoplasty, or what many of my patients refer to as, a nose job. Rhinoplasty improves the appearance and proportion of your nose, enhancing your facial balance and visual focal point.

An ideal candidate for Rhinoplasty is someone who wants to reshape their nose so that it better compliments their other facial features.  In addition to the cosmetic benefits, this procedure may also correct a nose injury or help relieve serious breathing problems. All these occurrences are common and I receive many patients with one or several of these complaints.

When considering a Rhinoplasty, one of the most important elements is finding a surgeon who can realistically meet your expectations, is board certified and has the results to prove they are qualified.  Research and patient reviews are both critical tools to use in your search for a qualified surgeon.

My cutting-edge techniques can help you reshape your nose and let your beauty shine through with proven results and innumerable positive patient reviews.  My knowledge in Rhinoplasty and expertise in aesthetic plastic surgery can help you in achieving the look you have always wanted.

A Rhinoplasty may be a viable option for you. For more information or to set a up a consultation to speak with me personally, please call Lift MD Aesthetics® at 310-285-0400.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210

