Tag Archives: Liposculpture

A Makeover Just For Moms

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Sometimes no matter how much my female patients watch their diets and exercise they simply feel as though their bodies don’t bounce back to their pre-baby figures.  This can be very frustrating when they put in so much work and effort but don’t see the results that they want. That is exactly why I created the Mommy Makeover which has become one of the most popular procedures for moms who want to look as great as they feel.  With the Mommy Makeover I use liposuction to target exercise and diet resistant areas such as the hips, stomach and thighs and to resculpt their figures.  I also often do a Brazilian Butt Lift which is done by using the patients’ own fat that is harvested from the liposuction and injecting it into the buttocks to restore volume and shape.  Often times women also lose volume in their breasts after child birth and need a breast lift or breast augmentation to restore the volume.  Take a look at some of these before and after pictures of patients who had the Mommy Makeover. They look fantastic! Every mom deserves to look as beautiful as she feels!

Also don’t forget to check out these Mommy Makeover episodes of Dr. Lift:




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For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit us at http://www.liftmd.com or call 310-285-0400.

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 


Ask Dr. K: I’ve lost the weight but I’m left with excess skin. Now what?

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Once you’ve lost the weight we know that being left with excess skin that just won’t tighten up regardless of what you do can be incredibly frustrating. We offer several options, from head to toe, that will firm skin and leave you looking svelte and toned in no time.

What are my options?

1) Facial Rejuvenation

Lift MD Aesthetics offers Facial Rejuvenation options for everyone. Whether you require a peel, injectables or a facelift to achieve your desired result, facial rejuvenation can be least invasive and most effective way to look years younger.

2) Breast Augmentation

Ideal for those suffering from sagging skin, or loss of volume, a Breast Augmentation can reduce the excess skin and fill in the loss of volume. Whether a reduction or implants, a Breast Augmentation can help to create the silhouette desired.

3) Arms

For those who are concerned about excess skin on their arms, a brachioplasty or arm lift is your best option. A small incision is made on the under side of your arm. From there the tissue is tightened and reshaped, resulting in a more defined and toned arm.

4) Liposculpture, Tummy Tuck, Extended Tummy Tuck or Body Lift.

For excess loose skin on the lower body, several procedures performed are intended to remove excess body skin and fatty tissue. In the area of the back and belly (the trunk), cases of mild excess maybe treated appropriately by procedures such as a tummy tuck or liposuction. For more extreme cases, there are more surgical options that can be discussed.

5) Thigh Lift

Similar to an arm lift, a thigh lift targets the upper leg area to reduce the amount of excess skin that creates a drooping look.

How long do these procedures generally take?

Each procedure varies in length. From 15 minutes for a “Liquid Facelift” to several hours for more extensive surgeries. Once you discuss your options with your doctor, the procedure length will become clear.

What is the recovery process for these procedures?

Recovery period for surgical procedures average at around 1-2 weeks. Non-invasive procedure like injectables involve nearly no downtime.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about skin reduction surgeries, please contact the professionals at Lift MD Aesthetics® today!

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Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Easy Ways to Lose Weight Without Thinking

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Who said spring cleaning is only for the home? If you consider your body a temple, then the temple needs cleaning too! With summer around the corner, it’s time we all start taking the steps to looking healthier and more fit. Forget crash dieting– not only is it unhealthy, but it rarely works. With that said, It may be difficult to break old habits and begin a new, so just for you, I have compiled a list of my easy, fool-proof solutions to shedding pounds and looking healthier.

5 Easy Snack Alternatives to Help you Lose Weight:

Almonds vs Chips

Raw, unsalted almonds are a great source of omega fatty acids and do just the trick to put substance in your tummy, fuel your metabolism and avoid the calories and fat from traditional chips.

Dehydrated Fruit vs Candy

Dried fruit is an easy and tasty way to snack and to get your daily 5 servings. Dried fruits are high in dietary fiber that aid against corpulence, high blood pressure and other factors that contribute to heart disease.  If you have a sweet tooth, dried fruit is a great substitute for candy craving.

Water/ Iced Tea vs Soda

This tip should be obvious but many forget that even diet sodas are unhealthy. Eliminate soda from your diet completely. If you enjoy a carbonated refreshment, try Club Soda with lemon. If you simply don’t like water, then drink unsweetened iced green or black tea. Try to avoid drinking during meal as liquid dilutes your stomach acids which are crucial for proper digestion.

Vegetables vs Snack Crackers

Raw greens are essential to a healthy diet, this is obvious, however many of us fail to incorporate these into daily meals. Instead of grabbing a box of crackers, try snacking baby carrots or snap peas. If raw just isn’t your thing, try Eden’s Vegetable Chips which packs only 130 calories per bag.

Whole Grains vs Empty Carbs

Whole grain snacks are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, which give you energy and lasting power. Empty carbs, like White Bread are high in sugar and are devoid of nearly all nutrients. Whole grain pretzels are great source for on-the-go energy without the carb crash.

Already watching what you eat and need some extra help?

Liposuction is a realistic way to smooth out your curves and get rid of excess body fat when you have tried everything else.

Click HERE to read about Dr. Kassabian’s liposuction techniques.

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Go On Vacation and Come Back With A New Body



If you’re thinking that summer is already here, and it’s far too late for a little “help” to get you on that beach or to that pool party, then you’re wrong. Lift MD Aesthetics® offers a variety of options to help you feel and look your best this summer season.

Dr. Garo Kassabian has always been known for his expertise in Liposculpture. One of the many benefits of Liposculpture is that the recovery time is much less than traditional liposuction, and is significantly less invasive. It is also designed to make moderate changes to the patient’s appearance, and is not to target massive weight loss. Liposculpture essentially removes and “re-assigns” fat through micro-fat grafting to different areas of the body that are deficient and need additional volume to achieve a desired physique and shape.  “Most patients can return to work and begin exercising again within a day or two after surgery.” About 90% of patients can see at least some improvements in their physique by one week after surgery.In as little as 1-2 weeks, you can be back in your swim suit, looking better than ever.

For an easier recovery, Lift MD Aesthetics® now offers pre and post-surgery vitamin packs to ensure optimal healing as well as special compression garments that are to be worn for 2 weeks after the surgery for further results. If you aren’t feeling like all your hard work is paying off and you need a little something extra, learn more about what Liposculpture by Dr. Garo Kassabian can do for you.  Call us today for our 1-Day Laser Liposuction Procedure with Skin Tightening.

If you’re not ready for Liposculpture, try Lift MD Aesthetic’s® Body Contour Kit which aids in reducing the appearance of cellulite while tightening the skin using topical products; or cellulite reducing activewear like the Body Sculpting Capri.

436. N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210 310-285-0400