Tag Archives: Invisible Bra Lift

Ask Dr. K: My breasts have lost their perkiness but I don’t want implants. Are there other options for me?


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As women age, they often find that their breasts begin to lose volume and begin to sag.  However, if my patients still have enough breast tissue and volume that they don’t need implants to create a perky silhouette then there is an alternative option.

One on my signature procedures is the Invisible Bra Lift. With the Invisible Bra Lift, I reposition the nipple and tighten the skin as one would with a traditional breast lift but what makes my lift different is that I also lift the existing breast tissue to contour and lift. Using one’s own breast tissue provides for a natural and perky silhouette.

Every patient  is different and I am happy to answer any questions, or if you would like to set up a consultation please call me at Lift MD Aesthetics.



Aesthetic TV Hollywood Mixer

On Tuesday night I had the honor of attending the Aesthetic TV Hollywood Mixer at the Sofitel Hotel in Beverly Hills, California.  The exclusive networking event brought together top aesthetic physicians and celebrated the wrap party for the Aesthetic TV segments shot in Las Vegas at THE Aesthetic Show which took place earlier this year.  Check out some pictures of me on the red carpet where I discussed my signature Scarless Facelift and Invisible Bra Lift.

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Dr. Kassabian Honored as a Judge at THE Aesthetic Show Awards 2013!

Dr. Garo Kassabian was selected to be a judge amongst an esteemed panel of colleagues, including Dr. David Matlock, at the 2013 THE Aesthetic Show Awards. Dr. Kassabian evaluated and voted on other surgeon’s work and also presented an award. The memorable awards show evening was held at The Mirage Resort and Casino and hosted by Dr. Andrew Ordon of The Doctors Show and Candis Cayne.

Stuart Brazell interviewing Dr. Garo Kassabian on the red carpet prior to THE Aesthetic Show Awards

Stuart Brazell interviewing Dr. Garo Kassabian on the red carpet prior to THE Aesthetic Show Awards

The Aesthetic Awards 2013

The Aesthetic Awards 2013

Dr. Kassabian's introduction as a judge

Dr. Kassabian’s introduction as a judge

Dr. Kassabian along with part of the judge's panel

Dr. Kassabian along with part of the judge’s panel

Dr. David Matlock, Candis Cayne and Dr. Garo Kassabian

Dr. David Matlock, Candis Cayne and Dr. Garo Kassabian

Dr. Garo Kassabian, Dr. Andrew Ordon and publicist, Michelle Vink

Dr. Garo Kassabian, Dr. Andrew Ordon and publicist, Michelle Vink

Some of the judge's panel along with the night's award recipients

Some of the judge’s panel along with the night’s award recipients

Dr. Kassabian’s Presentation at The Aesthetic Show 2013

Dr. Kassabian gave a presentation that showcased The Scarless Face Lift and The Invisible Bra at The Aesthetic show 2013. The audience was comprised of cosmetic surgery colleagues, as well as, others from across the field of medicine. Scroll down for behind the scenes pictures of the day’s events!

Working with IT crew for presentation

Working with IT crew for presentation

Ready to present

Ready to present

The Aesthetic Show 2013

The Aesthetic Show 2013

Dr. Kassabian starting his presentation

Dr. Kassabian starting his presentation

Dr. Kassabian giving his presentation on The Scarless Facelift and Invisible Bra Lift

Dr. Kassabian giving his presentation on The Scarless Facelift and Invisible Bra Lift