Tag Archives: Invisible Bra

Ask Dr. K: What Makes Your Breast Lifting Technique So Unique?

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My patients often ask me what makes my breast lift techniques so unique from other plastic surgeons. There are several factors that separate my Breast Lift surgery from others.  Not only do I reposition the nipple and tighten the skin, both standard in breast lifting procedures, but my “invisible bra” technique re-structures and re-distributes your own breast tissue to create the perfect contour and shape.

In other words, the traditional procedure lifts only the skin, whereas my technique actually lifts the breast tissue providing support and contour and has a long-lasting effect. It’s like an invisible bra, the shape and volume of the breast is modified to give a perky and youthful silhouette.

These results are achieved even without the use of breast implants (if you have enough breast volume to start with) since the contouring effect gives the necessary upper pole fullness.

Each case is different and I am happy to answer any questions, or if you would like to set up a consultation please call me at Lift MD Aesthetics.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



THE Aesthetic Show Presentation on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery: The Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift

While in Vegas I also had the pleasure of giving a presentation in front of many colleagues on two of my signature surgeries, “The Invisible Bra Lift” and “The Scarless Face Lift.”

The Final Countdown..

The Final Countdown..


Speaking about the Scarless Facelift & Invisible Bra to doctors at THE Aesthetic Show in Vegas.

Speaking about the Scarless Facelift & Invisible Bra to doctors at THE Aesthetic Show in Vegas.

Speaking at The Aesthetic Show 2013 on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery.Speaking at The Aesthetic Show 2013 on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery.

Getting Ready For My Presentation on the Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift.

Getting Ready For My Presentation on the Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift.