Tag Archives: Heart Health

February: Heart Health Month


As most of you know, February is National Heart Health Month and all month long I will be posting tips on staying healthy both inside and out.  Many of the foods that are essential for heart health are also instrumental in giving you that youthful and radiant glow.  Below I have a list of foods will keep you heart healthy but are also fantastic for anti-aging and overall skin health.

1) Fish like salmon, herring, sardines and tuna are full of omega-3 fatty acids and can actually reduce one’s risk of heart disease by a third or even more.  Omega-3s are also excellent for keeping the skin hydrated and protect you from free radicals which can be very damaging to your skin’s health.

2) Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pecans have been known to reduce the risk of coronary and cardiovascular heart disease.  Also, nuts have essential fatty acids which help reduce any swelling or inflammation in the skin.

3) Leafy greens. We all know that leafy greens are good for us but did you know that the vitamin C, Vitamin A and iron found in greens like kale, spinach and swiss chard are excellent in keeping our hearts strong and also great for healthy skin and hair?

Make sure to incorporate some of these foods in your diet throughout the week for the maximum benefit because at Lift MD Aesthetics we believe that you should feel as good as you look!