Tag Archives: Garo

Ask Dr. K: My breasts have lost their perkiness but I don’t want implants. Are there other options for me?


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As women age, they often find that their breasts begin to lose volume and begin to sag.  However, if my patients still have enough breast tissue and volume that they don’t need implants to create a perky silhouette then there is an alternative option.

One on my signature procedures is the Invisible Bra Lift. With the Invisible Bra Lift, I reposition the nipple and tighten the skin as one would with a traditional breast lift but what makes my lift different is that I also lift the existing breast tissue to contour and lift. Using one’s own breast tissue provides for a natural and perky silhouette.

Every patient  is different and I am happy to answer any questions, or if you would like to set up a consultation please call me at Lift MD Aesthetics.

