Tag Archives: breast implants

Ask Dr. K: My breasts have lost their perkiness but I don’t want implants. Are there other options for me?


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As women age, they often find that their breasts begin to lose volume and begin to sag.  However, if my patients still have enough breast tissue and volume that they don’t need implants to create a perky silhouette then there is an alternative option.

One on my signature procedures is the Invisible Bra Lift. With the Invisible Bra Lift, I reposition the nipple and tighten the skin as one would with a traditional breast lift but what makes my lift different is that I also lift the existing breast tissue to contour and lift. Using one’s own breast tissue provides for a natural and perky silhouette.

Every patient  is different and I am happy to answer any questions, or if you would like to set up a consultation please call me at Lift MD Aesthetics.



Ask Dr. K: What Is the Current Trend In Breast Augmentations?

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Although fuller breasts are never really out of style, it’s not to say that a more modest and demure look is in. The days of the Pamela Anderson look are gone, and possibly for the better. Not only can too-large breasts cause back pain, but the silhouette created often looks unnatural and unbalanced. The trend today is less about statement making breasts, and more about an overall healthy, natural-looking, sexy hourglass silhouette, with breast size playing a major role.

For more information or to request a consultation, contact Lift MD Aesthetics.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



THE Aesthetic Show Presentation on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery: The Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift

While in Vegas I also had the pleasure of giving a presentation in front of many colleagues on two of my signature surgeries, “The Invisible Bra Lift” and “The Scarless Face Lift.”

The Final Countdown..

The Final Countdown..


Speaking about the Scarless Facelift & Invisible Bra to doctors at THE Aesthetic Show in Vegas.

Speaking about the Scarless Facelift & Invisible Bra to doctors at THE Aesthetic Show in Vegas.

Speaking at The Aesthetic Show 2013 on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery.Speaking at The Aesthetic Show 2013 on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery.

Getting Ready For My Presentation on the Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift.

Getting Ready For My Presentation on the Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift.

Ask Dr. K: How Do I Know if I Need My Implants Replaced?


Lisa asks, “Dr. K, I have been hearing about ‘explants’ lately? What are explants? How do I know if I need to get my implants removed or replaced?”

Lisa is right, there has been a lot of mention of removing implants lately. Many other of my patients have asked me the same thing so I felt this would be a great question for Ask Dr. K.
An explant is essentially the opposite of implant, in other words, it is the removal of implants. This had been a hot topic lately as reports are being produced stating that implants must be removed for various reason. Let’s set the record straight. I am going to tell you why and when you would need your implants  removed or replaced of at all.
There are 3 main reasons why breast implants would need to be removed.
1) Change of size and shape.
2) Implant leakage or rupture.
3) Capsular contracture.
What is Capsular Contracture?
Capsular Contracture is essentially the hardening of implants which occurs in about 5% of women. Most women experience symptoms about 3 months after the surgery. Several factors may put you at risk.
– Autoimmune disorders
– Smoking
– Radiation Therapy
– Severe trauma to the breast
– Seroma (a collection of fluid under the breast)
– Hematoma
– Bacterial infections
– Silicon modules leaking into the pocket of the surrounding implant.
– Breast implant placement. You may be more likely to develop Capsular Contracture when the implant is placed over your chest muscle (sub-glandular).
Detecting Capsular Contracture.
Warning signs include deformed, misshaped, and painful breasts or breasts that have become harder than when they were put in. There are four levels of Capsular Contracture.
Grade 1: The breast is soft and looks natural.
Grade 2: The breast is slightly firm but looks natural.
Grade 3: The breast is firm and looks abnormal.
Grade 4: The breast is hard, painful and looks abnormal.
Removal or revision of implants, however is not the only treatment for Capsular Contracture. New technologies are being utilized to treat this. See your doctor for remedies and procedures they offer to correct this.
Here are a a few ways to decrease your risk if Capsular Contracture of you feel you may be at risk, however there is no way to predict so be sure to consult your doctor.
– Take a prescription corticosterois drug called Prednisone for two weeks.
– Massage your implants the day after surgery.
– Perform compression exercises in which you squeeze the implant with medium pressure to keep the capsule flexible and loose.
In Summary, there is low chance that you will need your implants removed or replaced. However, if you are experiencing any of the above characteristics or would like to consult a professional to be sure, do so immediately.

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



The NEW Wonder ‘Bra’


Dr. Kassabian is a pioneer in the field of cosmetic surgery. His techniques surpass others in that his dual-board certification, subspecialty training and artful eye result in flawless surgeries. These specialized techniques result in patients looking and feeling younger.

His breast lift techniques are no different. Not only does he reposition the nipple and tighten the skin, both standard in breast lifting procedures, but his technique re-structures and re-distributes your own breast tissue to create the perfect contour and shape. In other words, the traditional procedure lifts only the skin whereas Dr. Kassabian’s technique actually lifts the breast tissue providing support and contour and has a long-lasting effect. “It’s like an invisible bra” says Dr. Kassabian “the shape and volume of the breast is modified to give a perky and youthful silhouette.” These results are achieved without the use of breast implants (if you have enough breast volume to start with) since the contouring effect gives the necessary upper pole fullness.

If you think you may be a candidate or would like more information about this revolutionary technique, contact Dr. Kassabian and Lift MD Aesthetics®. Call us at 310-285-0400 or visit us at Lift Md Aesthetics®, 436 North Bedford Drive, Suite 301, Beverly Hills, California.