Tag Archives: beverly hills plastic surgery

February: Heart Health Month


As most of you know, February is National Heart Health Month and all month long I will be posting tips on staying healthy both inside and out.  Many of the foods that are essential for heart health are also instrumental in giving you that youthful and radiant glow.  Below I have a list of foods will keep you heart healthy but are also fantastic for anti-aging and overall skin health.

1) Fish like salmon, herring, sardines and tuna are full of omega-3 fatty acids and can actually reduce one’s risk of heart disease by a third or even more.  Omega-3s are also excellent for keeping the skin hydrated and protect you from free radicals which can be very damaging to your skin’s health.

2) Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pecans have been known to reduce the risk of coronary and cardiovascular heart disease.  Also, nuts have essential fatty acids which help reduce any swelling or inflammation in the skin.

3) Leafy greens. We all know that leafy greens are good for us but did you know that the vitamin C, Vitamin A and iron found in greens like kale, spinach and swiss chard are excellent in keeping our hearts strong and also great for healthy skin and hair?

Make sure to incorporate some of these foods in your diet throughout the week for the maximum benefit because at Lift MD Aesthetics we believe that you should feel as good as you look!

The Executive Chinplant

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In an era of fierce competition in the work place, and multi-media correspondence, ala Facetime and Video Conferencing, it’s no wonder male executives are wanting to look their best. An easy way achieve natural-looking and masculine facial enhancement is with a chin implant, or a chinplant.

An Executive Chinplant is intended to enhance the overall balance of the face. For instance, a weak chin make one’s nose appear larger and can even make the neck appear to have more fat. Adversely, a chin that is too large will steal focus from other features and will dominate the person’s appearance. Ideally, there should be a balanced relationship between the features and the structure of the face.

Although chin augmentation can be a routine procedure it is crucial, as with any surgery, that you do your research. Is your doctor board certified? Has your doctor performed this before and can you see before and after images? You can never be too informed when it comes to your health and safety so be sure to ask the tough questions and really make sure this something you want.

I have many male patients who have received a chin augmentation, either on it’s own or complimentary to a rhinoplasty. If you have any questions, would like more information or would like to see more images of my patients with a chin augmentation, please contact me at my office.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian
436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210

Fractional Laser Treatment at Lift MD

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We are pleased to now offer Fractional Skin Resurfacing treatments, a procedure that turns back the aging clock!

Fractional Skin Resurfacing is the treatment of choice for acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation.

This advanced laser combines the effectiveness of CO2 lasers with an innovative fractional technology.  Fractional means that only a fraction of the skin surface is exposed to the laser beam, leaving untreated skin around each micro spot.  This promotes fast healing and a short recovery time.  The laser beam delivers a therapeutic matrix of tiny beams of light energy (each about the size of a hair) to the top and mid layers of the skin.  Treatments can be safely performed on the face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.

Benefits & facts include: 

-Pigment correction

-Out-patient procedure

-Topical Anesthesia Only

-Minimal Discomfort

-Fast Treatment

-Minimal Downtime, 6-7 days

-Simple moisturizer for aftercare

-Beautiful, long-lasting results!!!

For more information or to book and appointment call the office today!

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Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



It’s All About The Chin: A Patient’s Transformation


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It’s amazing how minor adjustments can make a world of difference to someone’s appearance. Many patients visit Lift MD Aesthetics® either wanting a rhinoplasty, or are generally dissatisfied with their appearance and can’t pinpoint the problem–and often fail to pay attention what their chin is doing to their overall appearance. Frequently, the chin is a instrumental factor in the balance and harmony of the face and a chin augmentation can make the difference.


Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



5 Tips For A Killer Beach Body

Of course, regular exercise and eating well will always help you maintain a healthy, sexy figure. But here are some extra tips to help tone, tighten and shed the stubborn few. 
Raw Fruits and Vegetables: incorporated into your diet, raw fruits and veggies for clean nourishment that won’t stick to your thighs.
Hot Water with Lemon: This will help jumpstart your metabolism and cleanse your body from the inside out. Other benefits include boosting the immune system, balancing your pH, hydrating the lymph system and can clear your skin.

Cellufirm Contouring Serum: This refreshing, non-oily body contouring gel helps to lessen the appearance of cellulite and is excellent as part of a body purifying and cellulite reduction program.
Cellufirm Creme: Cellufirm Créme is a creamy formula that improves the appearance of cellulite. European botanical extracts invigorate and help support circulation and skin purification.
LiftSculpture: LiftSculpture by Dr. Garo Kassabian is a combination of laser assisted liposculpting with micro-fat grafting and utilizes the latest technology and scar minimizing techniques to sculpt the body and drop your dress size in a matter of days.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Mid-Summer LiftScuplture for Your Perfect Beach Body


Treat yourself this summer to LiftSculpture by Dr. Garo Kassabian. This highly requested procedure is a combination of laser assisted liposculpting with micro-fat grafting and utilizes the latest technology and scar minimizing techniques to sculpt the body and drop your dress size in a matter of days. It’s not too late to sport your bikini and show off your new curves poolside. For more information on LiftSculpture contact Lift MD Aesthetics® in Beverly Hills for a consultation.


Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are The Most Common Procedures for Men?

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A large percentage of my clientele is male. People may assume that women are mostly seeking plastic surgery but in reality, many men share similar concerns. I get men from all walk of life; the high-powered executive to the college student looking for a change. Although their concerns may differ, they all want an improvement on their looks for one reason or another.
Some of the most common men’s surgeries I perform, in order of popularity include liposuctionrhinoplastyblepharoplasty, breast reduction (gynecomastia) and facelifts.
It is even more important to men that their plastic surgery goes virtually unnoticed and their results look as natural as possible. With technological advances, over a decade in training and board certification, I am able to achieve these results in all my male patients. For more information about what cosmetic enhancements are available for male patients, or to schedule a consultation, contact Lift MD Aesthetics® today.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



For Your Eyes Only: Rejuvenation for a More Youthful Appearance

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Revive and brighten your eye area with the Lift MD Aesthetics® Eye Contour Rejuvenation. Designed to tighten loose skin, diminish fine lines and wrinkles and prevent further side-effects from aging, the specially designed treatment is ideal for those seeking a minimally invasive solution to their aging woes. Dr. Kassabian’s cutting edge rejuvenation techniques effectively work to define your eye contour and take years off your appearance, with very little downtime and for a fraction of the cost.
Eye Contour Rejuvenation is a minimally invasive technique that can re-define and brighten the shape of your upper eye lids and brow, reduce dark circles and under-eye bags, and smoothen out fine lines and wrinkles with little to no downtime. Juvederm and Botox are applied to particular areas around the eye contour to plump wrinkles and depressions, reduce puffiness and dark circles and even provide a light lift to the eye area. Restylane, Perlane and Dysport may also be used, and a custom plan made with Dr. Kassabian will ensure the best results for each individual patient.

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



LiftSculpture Gives You a Head Start on Summer!


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Get a head start on summer with LiftSculpture by Dr. Garo Kassabian. This highly requested procedure is a combination of laser assisted liposculpting with micro-fat grafting and utilizes the latest technology and scar minimizing techniques to sculpt the body and drop your dress size in a matter of days. By the time summer rolls around in a couple months, you will be ready to sport your bikini and show off your new curves poolside. For more information on LiftSculpture contact Lift MD Aesthetics® in Beverly Hills for a consultation.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: How Do I Avoid the Tell-Tale Signs of a Facelift?


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I always stress that the most important part of cosmetic surgery, is choosing your doctor. If you don’t perform thorough research ask the right questions during a consultation, you may end up with something you didn’t ask for. Surgery scars are one of the most important aspects to getting something done, especially when that surgery is on your face. I spend most of my days in Beverly Hills and after traveling internationally, I see far too many unfortunate cases of women and men who have had facelift, but are left with distracting and obvious scarring. Sometimes these scars are seen around the ear, or are seen in the form of a raised hairline. No matter what the obvious scar may be, it is very unfortunate and speaks not of the person, but of the surgeon who performed the surgery. But unfortunately, it is the innocent patient who has to live with it.
When researching a doctor for a facelift, ask about their training and board certification and whether they have specialized training in performing facelifts. Also, be sure to closely inspect their work and ask to see images of facelifts they have performed in the past. Ask detailed questions about their procedure technique and how they avoid scarring.
If you would like to know more about this subject or request a consultation, please contact Lift MD Aesthetics®

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210

