Tag Archives: Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon

Ask Dr. K: “Why do I often hear about rhinoplasties along with chin implants?

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When patients initially come to me discuss the possibility of a rhinoplasty they often are just focused on their nose and how to correct the shape or size of it.  However, as a cosmetic surgeon, I am looking at the whole picture.  Everything is about balance and proportion.  There are some patients who simply can just get away with a rhinoplasty and nothing more.  However, with other patients, no matter how small you make their nose, if they have a weak chin then their nose will never look proportionate to the rest of the face.  I suggest chin implants because when one part of the face is changed I also take into consideration how the whole face will look post surgery.  Also, the profile is a very important aspect to remember and a chin implant can dramatically change a person’s profile.

Take a look at some pictures below of patients who had rhinoplasties with chin implants.  The results are remarkable!:

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Ask Dr. Kassabian: What is my best option for rejuvenating my skin at home?

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A patient recently told me that she felt that she had damaged her skin after years of exposure in the sun and loved coming in to get facials with our amazing esthetician, Merlin.  However, she wanted to know if there was anything that she could do at home to help reverse the signs of aging and give her skin back the moisture and suppleness that it used to have.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin's texture and tone.  All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin’s texture and tone. All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

I recommend the Lift MD Aesthetics Vital Intensive Serum, Miro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex.  The Vital Intensive Serum and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex can be used every day while the Micro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment should be used once or twice a week.

The Resurfacing Treatment uses semi-precious gemstones to buff away the dead layer of skin and smooth and refine the texture.  The Vital Intensive Serum acts as a moisturizer, while the Mineral Vitalizing Complex firms and revives your skin’s texture.  If you use theses products consistently you will notice a difference in your complexion because each product is designed to be like a vitamin boost for your skin.

If you’d like more information on these products or other treatments or procedures offered at Lift MD Aesthetics then please visit http://www.liftmd.com or call 310.285.0400

A Facial Peel That Lifts, Tightens and Smooths

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Need a lift but not ready for surgery? The Natural Herbal Peel is your non-invasive solution to youthful, taught skin. This natural herbal peel is medically developed for skin regeneration with pure natural plant ingredients that work to exfoliate dead skin cells and leaves the skin glowing and refreshed. The Natural Herbal Peel increases the skin’s blood circulation and causes a peel of the upper layers of skin. Additionally, this peel can treat rosacea, pigmentation, acne-prone skin, and smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.

Call Lift MD Aesthetics today to book your appointment, your skin will thank you!

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Is the Quickest Way to Get A Beach Ready Body?

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It’s the middle of summer and many of my patients are looking to me for quick solutions to trip up look better in their swimsuits.  There are several, easy ways to tighten up your body so you feel more comfortable in the less amount of clothing that summer weather permits.
My first suggestion is nutrition. Drink lots of water and incorporate as many raw fruits and vegetables as you can into your diet. Try to cut out dairy, sugar and of course processed foods. Not only will this help trim the fat, but will help your skin glow and you will feel better all around.
Secondly, regular exercise will trip the fat and tone your muscles. Every body is different and responds differently to certain exercises, so I suggest consulting with a physical trainer to develop the best and most effective plan for you.
Lastly, if you’ve tried incorporating nourishing, whole foods, and are exercising regularly but can’t seem to lose those resistant fat pockets, LiftSculpture is a safe and easy procedure that will help accentuate your natural curves with very little downtime and pain. Click HERE to read more about LiftSculpture.
I am always happy to discuss with my clients, ways to live a happier and healthier life. If you would like to set up a consultation to speak with me, you can contact me at my office at 310-285-0400.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210




Energy Booster for the Dad-On-The-Go


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Does dad need a boost? Dr. Garo Kassabian’s Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail IV therapy can provide healthy energy and immune system support without the jitters side effects from coffee or inconvenience of daily pills. This powerful blend contains a cocktail of vitamins and nutrients like B12, B5, B-Complex, and Vitamin C. This therapy has also been used to treat anxiety, depression, migraines and fatigue. Dr. Kassabian’s Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail can be customized per person, based on the individual’s needs and concerns. For more information on this IV cockatails, and others offered by Lift MD Aesthetics®, click HERE.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

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More and more women ask me about Vaginal Rejuvenation and what exactly that means. The first thing I explain to these patients is that it is actually a very common procedure that we perform on many women who wish to feel like they did before they give birth, after massive weight loss or for genetic reasons.
Vaginal rejuvenation, or vaginoplasty, is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina and remove any excess skin. There are several methods that can be employed, depending on each case. If you think you may be a candidate for a vaginal rejuvenation, Dr. Kassabian will work with you to develop the best plan for your particular concerns.
For more information about Vaginal Rejuvenation, please contact Lift MD Aesthetics to schedule a consultation.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are Micro-Cannulas and How Do They Work?

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Many patients ask me about my techniques regarding injectables and fillers and how I am able to achieve such natural results with minimal injection points and a smooth and even texture. My technique for injecting is a large part of the success of my treatments but an important factor in these results is the use of a micro-cannula instead of the traditional needle.

A micro-cannula is a very thin, small and flexible hollow tube with a smooth round tip. There is no sharp end as you would see in a traditional needle. The benefit with this design is the minimal entry points that are required to achieve a result as opposed to the many punctures you would need with a traditional needle with less pain and a much less probability of bruising.

Some of the benefits of a Micro-Cannula over a needle include:

  • Reduced Pain
  • Less Bleeding
  • Less Bruising
  • Less Tissue Trauma & Swelling

The micro-cannula injection requires a single entry point for a large area instead of many with a traditional needle. The tip of cannula is smooth and rounded which allows the vessels to be simply pushed aside instead of being cut. This means, instead of pain, the patient will most likely experience little more than pressure. Whether injecting the under eyes or lips, you can be assured that bruising and swelling is minimal and you can continue with your everyday activities and attend events right away.

The process of injecting is simple. An entry point is made with a traditional needle that is, of course, slightly larger than the micro-cannula. A numbing agent, like Lidocaine may be used to ease an discomfort one might feel, but pain is very slight.

For more information about the micro-cannula or my techniques, contact Lift MD Aesthetics®

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Reclaim Your Moisture with the Glycolic Hydrating Masque


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You have the right to remain hydrated! The all-new Glycolic Hydrating Masquepacks the punch to keep your skin fresh, dewy and replenished. Have you ever wondered why some of Hollywood’s most beautiful belles always look so flawless? Well, now you know. This gentle hydrating cream masque exfoliates while replenishing moisture to soften fine lines and works to plump the skin by naturally stimulating collagen. Licorice extract, along with Vitamins A, C and E help rejuvenate on a cellular level while Sodium Hyaluronate hydrates and provides noticeable softening benefits. The Glycolic Hydrating Masque is for the person serious about beauty without the fuss. Simply use the masque 1-2 times a week. Apply to damp skin to lock in moisture and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and reveal you radiant complexion.

If you can’t get enough of Dr. Kassabian’s Glycolic products, try the Glycolic Tonerand the Glycolic Cleanser. All available at NEWBEAUTY at Fred Segal Santa Monica.

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Introducing Dr. K’s 10-Minute Facelift


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Do you want the amazing results of a facelift without the down time?  Introducing the 10-minute facelift by Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Dr. Garo Kassabian.  This minimally invasive procedure will have you looking 10 years younger in only 10 minutes!  Botox and Dysport will help minimize your fine lines and wrinkles, while dermal fillers like Juvederm, Radiesse, Perlane or Restylane will add volume to your face, resulting in a more youthful and more refreshed appearance.  The combination of these products as well as the expertise of Dr. Kassabian will restore a fresh look to your face.  Lift MD Aesthetics® is offering 50% off for the first 10 people to book their 10 minute Facelifts.  Don’t pass up this phenomenal deal!  Call today for an appointment.

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Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



THE Aesthetic Show Presentation on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery: The Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift

While in Vegas I also had the pleasure of giving a presentation in front of many colleagues on two of my signature surgeries, “The Invisible Bra Lift” and “The Scarless Face Lift.”

The Final Countdown..

The Final Countdown..


Speaking about the Scarless Facelift & Invisible Bra to doctors at THE Aesthetic Show in Vegas.

Speaking about the Scarless Facelift & Invisible Bra to doctors at THE Aesthetic Show in Vegas.

Speaking at The Aesthetic Show 2013 on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery.Speaking at The Aesthetic Show 2013 on Innovations in Cosmetic Surgery.

Getting Ready For My Presentation on the Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift.

Getting Ready For My Presentation on the Invisible Bra & Scarless Facelift.