Tag Archives: Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgery

Ask Dr. Kassabian: What is my best option for rejuvenating my skin at home?

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A patient recently told me that she felt that she had damaged her skin after years of exposure in the sun and loved coming in to get facials with our amazing esthetician, Merlin.  However, she wanted to know if there was anything that she could do at home to help reverse the signs of aging and give her skin back the moisture and suppleness that it used to have.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin's texture and tone.  All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin’s texture and tone. All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

I recommend the Lift MD Aesthetics Vital Intensive Serum, Miro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex.  The Vital Intensive Serum and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex can be used every day while the Micro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment should be used once or twice a week.

The Resurfacing Treatment uses semi-precious gemstones to buff away the dead layer of skin and smooth and refine the texture.  The Vital Intensive Serum acts as a moisturizer, while the Mineral Vitalizing Complex firms and revives your skin’s texture.  If you use theses products consistently you will notice a difference in your complexion because each product is designed to be like a vitamin boost for your skin.

If you’d like more information on these products or other treatments or procedures offered at Lift MD Aesthetics then please visit http://www.liftmd.com or call 310.285.0400

Ask Dr. K: Is there something I can do to boost my energy and my appearance?

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Many of patients are very busy people with lifestyles that never give them a day off to really rest and relax.  Health and beauty start with taking care of oneself from the inside out but often times patients tell me that while they know this, they simply don’t have the time.  A patient recently asked me if there was something that she could do that would give her energy and also help her look good.

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I told my patient about the Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail which I created to give patients nutrients they need to keep them energized and healthy.  While the Vitamin Cocktail delivers vitamins your body needs to remain healthy and energized, it also has nutrients that will give your skin a healthy and radiant glow.  When the Vitamin Cocktail is used with the Beverly Hills Vitamin Booster it delivers similar effects as The Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail IV.  These vitamins are beauty and wellness on the go so you always look as good as you feel!

For more information and to purchase the Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail, The Beverly Hills Vitamin Booster or to schedule an appointment to receive The Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail IV visit us at: LIFT MD AESTHETICS.



Fractional Laser Treatment at Lift MD

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We are pleased to now offer Fractional Skin Resurfacing treatments, a procedure that turns back the aging clock!

Fractional Skin Resurfacing is the treatment of choice for acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation.

This advanced laser combines the effectiveness of CO2 lasers with an innovative fractional technology.  Fractional means that only a fraction of the skin surface is exposed to the laser beam, leaving untreated skin around each micro spot.  This promotes fast healing and a short recovery time.  The laser beam delivers a therapeutic matrix of tiny beams of light energy (each about the size of a hair) to the top and mid layers of the skin.  Treatments can be safely performed on the face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.

Benefits & facts include: 

-Pigment correction

-Out-patient procedure

-Topical Anesthesia Only

-Minimal Discomfort

-Fast Treatment

-Minimal Downtime, 6-7 days

-Simple moisturizer for aftercare

-Beautiful, long-lasting results!!!

For more information or to book and appointment call the office today!

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Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



It’s All About The Chin: A Patient’s Transformation


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It’s amazing how minor adjustments can make a world of difference to someone’s appearance. Many patients visit Lift MD Aesthetics® either wanting a rhinoplasty, or are generally dissatisfied with their appearance and can’t pinpoint the problem–and often fail to pay attention what their chin is doing to their overall appearance. Frequently, the chin is a instrumental factor in the balance and harmony of the face and a chin augmentation can make the difference.


Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are The Most Common Procedures for Men?

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A large percentage of my clientele is male. People may assume that women are mostly seeking plastic surgery but in reality, many men share similar concerns. I get men from all walk of life; the high-powered executive to the college student looking for a change. Although their concerns may differ, they all want an improvement on their looks for one reason or another.
Some of the most common men’s surgeries I perform, in order of popularity include liposuctionrhinoplastyblepharoplasty, breast reduction (gynecomastia) and facelifts.
It is even more important to men that their plastic surgery goes virtually unnoticed and their results look as natural as possible. With technological advances, over a decade in training and board certification, I am able to achieve these results in all my male patients. For more information about what cosmetic enhancements are available for male patients, or to schedule a consultation, contact Lift MD Aesthetics® today.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Energy Booster for the Dad-On-The-Go


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Does dad need a boost? Dr. Garo Kassabian’s Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail IV therapy can provide healthy energy and immune system support without the jitters side effects from coffee or inconvenience of daily pills. This powerful blend contains a cocktail of vitamins and nutrients like B12, B5, B-Complex, and Vitamin C. This therapy has also been used to treat anxiety, depression, migraines and fatigue. Dr. Kassabian’s Beverly Hills Vitamin Cocktail can be customized per person, based on the individual’s needs and concerns. For more information on this IV cockatails, and others offered by Lift MD Aesthetics®, click HERE.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



For Your Eyes Only: Rejuvenation for a More Youthful Appearance

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Revive and brighten your eye area with the Lift MD Aesthetics® Eye Contour Rejuvenation. Designed to tighten loose skin, diminish fine lines and wrinkles and prevent further side-effects from aging, the specially designed treatment is ideal for those seeking a minimally invasive solution to their aging woes. Dr. Kassabian’s cutting edge rejuvenation techniques effectively work to define your eye contour and take years off your appearance, with very little downtime and for a fraction of the cost.
Eye Contour Rejuvenation is a minimally invasive technique that can re-define and brighten the shape of your upper eye lids and brow, reduce dark circles and under-eye bags, and smoothen out fine lines and wrinkles with little to no downtime. Juvederm and Botox are applied to particular areas around the eye contour to plump wrinkles and depressions, reduce puffiness and dark circles and even provide a light lift to the eye area. Restylane, Perlane and Dysport may also be used, and a custom plan made with Dr. Kassabian will ensure the best results for each individual patient.

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Natural Results with Dr. Kassabian’s Injectables Technique

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There are many injectables and fillers available that aim to fill lines and prevent wrinkles, caused by aging or overly-expressive facial muscles. These injectables include BotoxDysportJuvedermPerlaneRestylaneSculptraRadiesse and newcomers like Xeomin. Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are all botulinum toxins and are injected into muscles and used to improve the look of moderate-to-severe lines between the brows, on the forehead, crow’s feet, nasal wrinkles, perioral lines, and lifting of the nose tip. Juvederm, Restylane and Perlane are smooth gels containing hyaluronic acid that come in several viscosities for various wrinkle depths. Sculptra is a synthetic poly-L-lactic acid which, upon injection, stimulates collagen production and Radiesse is a collagen based product, which uses calcium hydroxyapitate microspheres suspended in a gel that act as a filler while spheres stimulate natural collagen production. While it is important to know which filler is right for you, technique is just as vital for a successful treatment.  Dr. Kassabian of Lift MD Aesthetics® is renowned for his injecting techniques and prowess and is sought by some of Hollywood’s brightest stars.

We all feel like we could use a little help from time to time, especially as the years pass by more and more quickly. However, it is crucial to be informed when making a decision about the first thing people notice about you, your face. Both men and women can experience the benefits of non-invasive fillers and injectables, and Dr. Kassabian’s masterful techniques will help you achieve a more youthful look that is right for you. Over 10 years of experience combined with a board-certification in plastic surgery sets Dr. Kassabian apart from the many nurses and other medical professionals who attempt to achieve the same results with their patients.

Dr. Kassabian has spent years perfecting his techniques for injecting and can ensure a profound, yet subtle result with minimal invasion and nearly no downtime. From Liquid Facelifts to Eye Contour Rejuvenation, Dr. Kassabian’s techniques are a simple solution to looking more youthful without going under the knife. At a fraction of the cost of a surgical procedure, now may be the right time to explore your options in facial rejuvenation and feel rested in the hands of Dr. Kassabian.

Read for yourself what some of Dr. Kassabian’s patients are saying…

“The best place to get your Botox………the price per area is so reasonable and Dr. K invites you back a week later so that he can make sure that everything is perfect and if you feel like you need a little more he doesn’t charge you an additional fee. His technique is so natural, no one will know you have had anything done; you just look fresh and rested : )”

– Simone Z

I was amazed at the way my face looked immediately after my procedure last week. It took such a short time to take away at least 10 years of the aging process from my face. The lines around my nose and mouth have disappeared and the corners of my mouth are no longer turned down.  Nothing was ever swollen and I didn’t have to hide myself for a single day.

– CC

To learn more about what injectables are right for you, click HERE.



Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210




Eye Contour Rejuvenation Treatment

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Revive and brighten your eye area with the Lift MD Aesthetics® Eye Contour Rejuvenation. Designed to tighten loose skin, diminish fine lines and wrinkles and prevent further side-effects from aging, the specially designed treatment is ideal for those seeking a minimally invasive solution to their aging woes. Dr. Kassabian’s cutting edge rejuvenation techniques effectively work to define your eye contour and take years off your appearance, with very little downtime and for a fraction of the cost. Botox and Juvederm smoothen out crow’s feet and wrinkles and tighten the skin while Latisse grows fuller lashes to further contribute to a brighter, more youthful looking eye area. Daily use of specialized Lift MD Aesthetics® eye cream will keep your eyes smooth and taught in between treatments.



Normally $1100, the Eye Rejuvenation Treatment is only $800 for a limited time and includes:


1. Botox

2. Juvederm

3. Latisse

4. Eye cream

Book your consultation today to receive this special value and be on your way to a brighter, younger looking you.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210

