Tag Archives: Beverly Hills

Plastic Surgery Trend: Boot Bulge

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With temperatures dropping, women are putting away their sandals and taking out their boots for the colder months.  However, there is one headache that many fashionistas did not foresee and that is the battle of Boot Bulge.  Narrow and zippered boot trends are making it difficult for some women to fit their calves into the current boot fashion.  More and more plastic surgeons are reporting a surge in calve liposuction, especially during the colder months.  However, anyone who is considering this surgery should be warned that it takes months for inflammation to fully disappear and that there has to be fat in the calf area.  There are many women who are athletes who have bigger calves because of muscle and thus liposuction would not work for them. If you are interested in this procedure or any others, please call Lift MD and schedule an appointment with Dr. Garo Kassabian (310) 285-0400.

Ask Dr. K: “Why do I often hear about rhinoplasties along with chin implants?

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When patients initially come to me discuss the possibility of a rhinoplasty they often are just focused on their nose and how to correct the shape or size of it.  However, as a cosmetic surgeon, I am looking at the whole picture.  Everything is about balance and proportion.  There are some patients who simply can just get away with a rhinoplasty and nothing more.  However, with other patients, no matter how small you make their nose, if they have a weak chin then their nose will never look proportionate to the rest of the face.  I suggest chin implants because when one part of the face is changed I also take into consideration how the whole face will look post surgery.  Also, the profile is a very important aspect to remember and a chin implant can dramatically change a person’s profile.

Take a look at some pictures below of patients who had rhinoplasties with chin implants.  The results are remarkable!:

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Ask Dr. Kassabian: What is my best option for rejuvenating my skin at home?

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A patient recently told me that she felt that she had damaged her skin after years of exposure in the sun and loved coming in to get facials with our amazing esthetician, Merlin.  However, she wanted to know if there was anything that she could do at home to help reverse the signs of aging and give her skin back the moisture and suppleness that it used to have.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin's texture and tone.  All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin’s texture and tone. All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

I recommend the Lift MD Aesthetics Vital Intensive Serum, Miro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex.  The Vital Intensive Serum and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex can be used every day while the Micro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment should be used once or twice a week.

The Resurfacing Treatment uses semi-precious gemstones to buff away the dead layer of skin and smooth and refine the texture.  The Vital Intensive Serum acts as a moisturizer, while the Mineral Vitalizing Complex firms and revives your skin’s texture.  If you use theses products consistently you will notice a difference in your complexion because each product is designed to be like a vitamin boost for your skin.

If you’d like more information on these products or other treatments or procedures offered at Lift MD Aesthetics then please visit http://www.liftmd.com or call 310.285.0400

Dads Want to Look Good Too!



Father’s Day is just another week away and while traditionally, dads are given gifts like ties, golf clubs and grilling tools, a new trend is on the horizon.  In recent years, dads have been trading in those ties for plastic surgery.  

Since 2012, the ASPS (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) has reported that “the number of cosmetic procedures for men increased over 106% from 1997″ and the most popular procedures for men were ” liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, breast reduction to treat enlarged male breast, and ear shaping.”  While plastic surgery is classically very female driven, it is obvious that men are becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of cosmetic surgery and treatments to reverse the signs of aging and get their ideal bodies. 

There are many gift options for any dad at Lift MD Aesthetics, from injectables and facials that are tailored specifically for men to skincare products that will help soothe the effects of shaving.  If you can’t decide what to get your dad, you can always pick up a gift card any amount, as well. Your dad will be looking as good as he feels this Father’s Day!

For more information, please visit us at http://www.liftmd.com or call 310-285-0400.

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 






A Makeover Just For Moms

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Sometimes no matter how much my female patients watch their diets and exercise they simply feel as though their bodies don’t bounce back to their pre-baby figures.  This can be very frustrating when they put in so much work and effort but don’t see the results that they want. That is exactly why I created the Mommy Makeover which has become one of the most popular procedures for moms who want to look as great as they feel.  With the Mommy Makeover I use liposuction to target exercise and diet resistant areas such as the hips, stomach and thighs and to resculpt their figures.  I also often do a Brazilian Butt Lift which is done by using the patients’ own fat that is harvested from the liposuction and injecting it into the buttocks to restore volume and shape.  Often times women also lose volume in their breasts after child birth and need a breast lift or breast augmentation to restore the volume.  Take a look at some of these before and after pictures of patients who had the Mommy Makeover. They look fantastic! Every mom deserves to look as beautiful as she feels!

Also don’t forget to check out these Mommy Makeover episodes of Dr. Lift:




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For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit us at http://www.liftmd.com or call 310-285-0400.

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 


Angeleno Magazine: Beverly Hills Centennial Business Leaders, Contributors & Tastemakers

The beautiful city of Beverly Hills celebrated its Centennial in January and Angeleno Magazine is honoring influential members of the community in this month’s issue.  I am beyond honored to be selected as one of “The Beverly Hills Centennial Business Leaders, Contributors and Tastemakers of the Community.” See the whole feature below:

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Ask Dr. K: My breasts have lost their perkiness but I don’t want implants. Are there other options for me?


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As women age, they often find that their breasts begin to lose volume and begin to sag.  However, if my patients still have enough breast tissue and volume that they don’t need implants to create a perky silhouette then there is an alternative option.

One on my signature procedures is the Invisible Bra Lift. With the Invisible Bra Lift, I reposition the nipple and tighten the skin as one would with a traditional breast lift but what makes my lift different is that I also lift the existing breast tissue to contour and lift. Using one’s own breast tissue provides for a natural and perky silhouette.

Every patient  is different and I am happy to answer any questions, or if you would like to set up a consultation please call me at Lift MD Aesthetics.



A Great Video Review by Stuart Brazell

This week I was pleasantly surprised with a fantastic review from the beautiful TV  host and entertainment reporter, Stuart Brazell.  As always, it is a pleasure to hear such great feedback from patients.  I  invite you to please visit my FaceBook page to see the video review by Stuart.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

All month long Lift MD Aesthetics will be honoring Breast Cancer Awareness! I have been wearing pink gloves that support either The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Generation Pink or Susan G. Komen Foundation.  A portion of the proceeds of each box of gloves is donated to these incredible foundations.  Keep a look out through out the month as we do our part to fight this disease!

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THE Aesthetic Guide

I am so excited to see that I was featured in this month’s edition of THE Aesthetic Guide! Check out some pictures of the great article below.

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