Tag Archives: Beauty Tips

Plastic Surgery Trend: Boot Bulge

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With temperatures dropping, women are putting away their sandals and taking out their boots for the colder months.  However, there is one headache that many fashionistas did not foresee and that is the battle of Boot Bulge.  Narrow and zippered boot trends are making it difficult for some women to fit their calves into the current boot fashion.  More and more plastic surgeons are reporting a surge in calve liposuction, especially during the colder months.  However, anyone who is considering this surgery should be warned that it takes months for inflammation to fully disappear and that there has to be fat in the calf area.  There are many women who are athletes who have bigger calves because of muscle and thus liposuction would not work for them. If you are interested in this procedure or any others, please call Lift MD and schedule an appointment with Dr. Garo Kassabian (310) 285-0400.

Ask Dr. Kassabian: What is my best option for rejuvenating my skin at home?

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A patient recently told me that she felt that she had damaged her skin after years of exposure in the sun and loved coming in to get facials with our amazing esthetician, Merlin.  However, she wanted to know if there was anything that she could do at home to help reverse the signs of aging and give her skin back the moisture and suppleness that it used to have.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin's texture and tone.  All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin’s texture and tone. All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

I recommend the Lift MD Aesthetics Vital Intensive Serum, Miro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex.  The Vital Intensive Serum and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex can be used every day while the Micro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment should be used once or twice a week.

The Resurfacing Treatment uses semi-precious gemstones to buff away the dead layer of skin and smooth and refine the texture.  The Vital Intensive Serum acts as a moisturizer, while the Mineral Vitalizing Complex firms and revives your skin’s texture.  If you use theses products consistently you will notice a difference in your complexion because each product is designed to be like a vitamin boost for your skin.

If you’d like more information on these products or other treatments or procedures offered at Lift MD Aesthetics then please visit http://www.liftmd.com or call 310.285.0400

Tips For Beauty From The Inside Out

We have some tips for looking great from the inside out to get you summer ready. These simple steps, practiced everyday, will help you achieve a glowing complexion, a tight figure and a healthy mind.

1) Taking ginger root will help boost your metabolism by increasing digestive enzyme activity.

2) Drink cherry Juice to aid in post-exercise muscle recovery. Specifically Montmorency cherries contain high levels of polyphenolic compounds which helps reduce muscle damage caused by intensive strength exercise.

3) Vitamin B12 is crucial in the role of energy metabolism. Take your recommended dosage and you will feel better and more lively.

4) A teaspoon a day of unfiltered, unpasteurized, unheated organic apple cider vinegar is an important dietary ingredient to aid in weight management, acne, arthritis, chronic fatigue and more.

5) Have you tried yoga? Yoga opens and calms your mind while stretching your muscles, toning and relieving stress. It’s a great was to get the blood circulating in your body.

6) Cod Liver Oil can help treat arthritis, prevent heart disease and even lower cholesterol. It can even make your skin glow and your complexion bright.

7) Drink plenty of water and get 8 hours of sleep a night.

8) Vitamins and minerals are necessary for optimum health and beauty, but more is not always better. Too much Vitamin A, for instance can cause hair loss. Don’t over do it.

9) Sleeping on 2 or 3 pillows (head elevated higher than your body) can help you get rid of dark under eye circles.

10) Avoid smoking. Not only is smoking bad for your lungs and heart, but it dulls the skin and makes pores appear larger.

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Tips To Look Your Best In Your Red Carpet Dress

Why is it that your favorite Hollywood Starlet always looks stunning when walking the red carpet? Is it genetics? Perhaps her celebrity trainer? Probably a bit of both… but there is a whole lot more that goes into looking flawless on a special night. Now you can get the glow on your own by following these simple tips to look and feel the best you have ever looked.
1) Keep it skinny- try to cut wheat and salt from your diet which cause bloating.
2) Drink tons of water and try to drink a glass of cranberry juice (not cocktail!) every morning.  These fluids will flush out your kidneys and toxins, which will help give your skin that glow.
3) No more coffee… Coffee can cause bloating and can trigger hunger, not to mention stains your teeth. Replace with Green Tea, an amazingly healthy alternative.
4) Make exercise a daily priority in the weeks leading up to the event. This should be a priority regularly, but especially during red carpet season!
5) Cut sugar and alcohol from your diet in the weeks leading up to the event. Like wheat and salt, these can cause bloating and swelling.
6) Get at least 8 hours of sleep in the weeks leading up to the event.
7) Spa Days! Massages, saunas and steam baths a few days a week for the several weeks leading up to the event. This will increase circulation throughout the body, decrease stress and will leave you feeling ready to walk the carpet.
8) Get plenty of Omega Fatty Acids. Whether you take a supplement or eat fish like Salmon, Omega Fatty Acids help to improve skin and hair. Get that glow!
9) Make sure your undergarments deserve an award! Wear a proper fitting bra and compression wear to give a little extra last minute help.
10) Moisturize everything! Chances are, you will have some skin showing so make sure your bare shoulders or long legs are smooth and soft.
11) Get a last minute lift & tighten with Lift MD Aesthetics® Radiance Face Lift. Part of Lift MD Aesthetics® line of skincare.
Click HERE to shop!

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210 310-285-0400
