Tag Archives: Ask Dr. K

Ask Dr. K: “Why do I often hear about rhinoplasties along with chin implants?

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When patients initially come to me discuss the possibility of a rhinoplasty they often are just focused on their nose and how to correct the shape or size of it.  However, as a cosmetic surgeon, I am looking at the whole picture.  Everything is about balance and proportion.  There are some patients who simply can just get away with a rhinoplasty and nothing more.  However, with other patients, no matter how small you make their nose, if they have a weak chin then their nose will never look proportionate to the rest of the face.  I suggest chin implants because when one part of the face is changed I also take into consideration how the whole face will look post surgery.  Also, the profile is a very important aspect to remember and a chin implant can dramatically change a person’s profile.

Take a look at some pictures below of patients who had rhinoplasties with chin implants.  The results are remarkable!:

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Ask Dr. Kassabian: What is my best option for rejuvenating my skin at home?

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A patient recently told me that she felt that she had damaged her skin after years of exposure in the sun and loved coming in to get facials with our amazing esthetician, Merlin.  However, she wanted to know if there was anything that she could do at home to help reverse the signs of aging and give her skin back the moisture and suppleness that it used to have.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin's texture and tone.  All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

These 3 products will revitalize your skin’s texture and tone. All the benefits of microdermabrasion, at home.

I recommend the Lift MD Aesthetics Vital Intensive Serum, Miro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex.  The Vital Intensive Serum and the Mineral Vitalizing Complex can be used every day while the Micro-Mineral Resurfacing Treatment should be used once or twice a week.

The Resurfacing Treatment uses semi-precious gemstones to buff away the dead layer of skin and smooth and refine the texture.  The Vital Intensive Serum acts as a moisturizer, while the Mineral Vitalizing Complex firms and revives your skin’s texture.  If you use theses products consistently you will notice a difference in your complexion because each product is designed to be like a vitamin boost for your skin.

If you’d like more information on these products or other treatments or procedures offered at Lift MD Aesthetics then please visit http://www.liftmd.com or call 310.285.0400

Ask Dr. K: My breasts have lost their perkiness but I don’t want implants. Are there other options for me?


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As women age, they often find that their breasts begin to lose volume and begin to sag.  However, if my patients still have enough breast tissue and volume that they don’t need implants to create a perky silhouette then there is an alternative option.

One on my signature procedures is the Invisible Bra Lift. With the Invisible Bra Lift, I reposition the nipple and tighten the skin as one would with a traditional breast lift but what makes my lift different is that I also lift the existing breast tissue to contour and lift. Using one’s own breast tissue provides for a natural and perky silhouette.

Every patient  is different and I am happy to answer any questions, or if you would like to set up a consultation please call me at Lift MD Aesthetics.



Ask Dr. K: What Non-Surgical Procedures Are Best for Perfecting My Complexion?

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I often get asked for my opinion on recommendations for skin perfecting procedures.  If a patient does not want or need an invasive procedure, I would begin with a facial like the Lift MD Oxygen facial which is infused with essential oils and purified oxygen.  The essential oils and oxygen nourish, hydrate and rejuvenate the skin leaving a smooth and glowing complexion.   The Beverly Hills Vitamin IV Cocktail is also a great way to give your skin vitamins like B-12, B-5 and Vitamin C.  These vitamins are all essential for your skin’s health and glow and the benefit of the cocktail is that you get the vitamins from the inside out so that you see and feel the benefits instantly. The most popular non-surgical skin perfecting procedure that I am asked about, though, is injectables. Injectables help smooth fine lines and wrinkles and leave your skin looking supple, rejuvenated and youthful.

Ask Dr. K: What Is the Current Trend In Breast Augmentations?

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Although fuller breasts are never really out of style, it’s not to say that a more modest and demure look is in. The days of the Pamela Anderson look are gone, and possibly for the better. Not only can too-large breasts cause back pain, but the silhouette created often looks unnatural and unbalanced. The trend today is less about statement making breasts, and more about an overall healthy, natural-looking, sexy hourglass silhouette, with breast size playing a major role.

For more information or to request a consultation, contact Lift MD Aesthetics.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: 5 Things Patients Should Always Ask Their Doctor

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1) What is your training and education? 

It is important to know what your doctor’s background and certification is, so you understand their level of experience. Personally, I am a double-board certified plastic surgeon and received my doctorate from USC School of Medicine. Additionally, my training includes a Plastic Surgery Research Fellowship at the USC School of Medicine; a Fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Oregon Health Sciences University; a Fellowship in Cosmetic Surgery at the world-renowned Baker, Stuzin & Baker Institute in Miami, Florida; a subspecialty Fellowship in Face/Breast/Body Sculpturing with Dr. Lloyd Hale; and training in laser and hair transplantation with Dr. Bruce Rusell. As I mentioned before, I am certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and I am also a member of numerous medical societies, including the American College of Surgeons.

2) Is this procedure something you do often?

If your doctor has performed a procedure many times, let’s say 50, in the past year, then chances are that they perform this particular surgery well and you will have strong results. If the procedure is barely performed, then more risk is involved in knowing how the results will turn out. It is important to see a doctor who specializes or has a strong track record with the particular procedure you are interested in getting.

3) What are the risks?

People tend to be more concerned with the benefits and the end result of their procedure, and fail to address the risks involved. You should always know what you’re heading into. Ask your surgeon if they are board certified and what you can expect after surgery, and what the risks are as you make a decision.

4) Can you show me “After” photos?

“After” photos of the procedure results from passed patients are the best way for you to get an idea as to how your outcome might look. Ask your surgeon for as many of these as you can and ask for images outside of the procedure you are getting to see how the surgeons work looks in all areas.

5) What does it mean to be board certified?

Board certification is the process by which a physician in the United States demonstrates through either written, practical, and/or simulator based testing, a mastery of the basic knowledge and skills that define an area of medical specialization. I am double-board certified in both general and plastic surgery.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210







Ask Dr. K: What Makes Your Breast Lifting Technique So Unique?

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My patients often ask me what makes my breast lift techniques so unique from other plastic surgeons. There are several factors that separate my Breast Lift surgery from others.  Not only do I reposition the nipple and tighten the skin, both standard in breast lifting procedures, but my “invisible bra” technique re-structures and re-distributes your own breast tissue to create the perfect contour and shape.

In other words, the traditional procedure lifts only the skin, whereas my technique actually lifts the breast tissue providing support and contour and has a long-lasting effect. It’s like an invisible bra, the shape and volume of the breast is modified to give a perky and youthful silhouette.

These results are achieved even without the use of breast implants (if you have enough breast volume to start with) since the contouring effect gives the necessary upper pole fullness.

Each case is different and I am happy to answer any questions, or if you would like to set up a consultation please call me at Lift MD Aesthetics.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are The Most Common Procedures for Men?

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A large percentage of my clientele is male. People may assume that women are mostly seeking plastic surgery but in reality, many men share similar concerns. I get men from all walk of life; the high-powered executive to the college student looking for a change. Although their concerns may differ, they all want an improvement on their looks for one reason or another.
Some of the most common men’s surgeries I perform, in order of popularity include liposuctionrhinoplastyblepharoplasty, breast reduction (gynecomastia) and facelifts.
It is even more important to men that their plastic surgery goes virtually unnoticed and their results look as natural as possible. With technological advances, over a decade in training and board certification, I am able to achieve these results in all my male patients. For more information about what cosmetic enhancements are available for male patients, or to schedule a consultation, contact Lift MD Aesthetics® today.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

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More and more women ask me about Vaginal Rejuvenation and what exactly that means. The first thing I explain to these patients is that it is actually a very common procedure that we perform on many women who wish to feel like they did before they give birth, after massive weight loss or for genetic reasons.
Vaginal rejuvenation, or vaginoplasty, is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina and remove any excess skin. There are several methods that can be employed, depending on each case. If you think you may be a candidate for a vaginal rejuvenation, Dr. Kassabian will work with you to develop the best plan for your particular concerns.
For more information about Vaginal Rejuvenation, please contact Lift MD Aesthetics to schedule a consultation.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210



Ask Dr. K: What Are Micro-Cannulas and How Do They Work?

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Many patients ask me about my techniques regarding injectables and fillers and how I am able to achieve such natural results with minimal injection points and a smooth and even texture. My technique for injecting is a large part of the success of my treatments but an important factor in these results is the use of a micro-cannula instead of the traditional needle.

A micro-cannula is a very thin, small and flexible hollow tube with a smooth round tip. There is no sharp end as you would see in a traditional needle. The benefit with this design is the minimal entry points that are required to achieve a result as opposed to the many punctures you would need with a traditional needle with less pain and a much less probability of bruising.

Some of the benefits of a Micro-Cannula over a needle include:

  • Reduced Pain
  • Less Bleeding
  • Less Bruising
  • Less Tissue Trauma & Swelling

The micro-cannula injection requires a single entry point for a large area instead of many with a traditional needle. The tip of cannula is smooth and rounded which allows the vessels to be simply pushed aside instead of being cut. This means, instead of pain, the patient will most likely experience little more than pressure. Whether injecting the under eyes or lips, you can be assured that bruising and swelling is minimal and you can continue with your everyday activities and attend events right away.

The process of injecting is simple. An entry point is made with a traditional needle that is, of course, slightly larger than the micro-cannula. A numbing agent, like Lidocaine may be used to ease an discomfort one might feel, but pain is very slight.

For more information about the micro-cannula or my techniques, contact Lift MD Aesthetics®

Lift MD Aesthetics®

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210

