Aesthetic TV Expert Panel Taping of “Injectables In-Depth” at THE Aesthetic Show

I was invited to be a part of an expert panel discussion for a segment on Aesthetic TV called, “Injectables In-Depth.” I discussed the various types of injectables on the market and gave a live demonstration on injectables to show just how minimal the downtime and pain of injectables can be. Take a look at some of the pictures from the taping.

Taping at THE Aesthetic Show on Injectables in Las Vegas.

Taping at THE Aesthetic Show on Injectables in Las Vegas.




Expert Panel at Aesthetic TV in Vegas.

Expert Panel at Aesthetic TV in Vegas.

With the Host, Stuart Brazell after Our Live Injection Filming Segment on Aesthetic TV.

With the Host, Stuart Brazell after Our Live Injection Filming Segment on Aesthetic TV.

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