Tips To Look Your Best In Your Red Carpet Dress

Why is it that your favorite Hollywood Starlet always looks stunning when walking the red carpet? Is it genetics? Perhaps her celebrity trainer? Probably a bit of both… but there is a whole lot more that goes into looking flawless on a special night. Now you can get the glow on your own by following these simple tips to look and feel the best you have ever looked.
1) Keep it skinny- try to cut wheat and salt from your diet which cause bloating.
2) Drink tons of water and try to drink a glass of cranberry juice (not cocktail!) every morning.  These fluids will flush out your kidneys and toxins, which will help give your skin that glow.
3) No more coffee… Coffee can cause bloating and can trigger hunger, not to mention stains your teeth. Replace with Green Tea, an amazingly healthy alternative.
4) Make exercise a daily priority in the weeks leading up to the event. This should be a priority regularly, but especially during red carpet season!
5) Cut sugar and alcohol from your diet in the weeks leading up to the event. Like wheat and salt, these can cause bloating and swelling.
6) Get at least 8 hours of sleep in the weeks leading up to the event.
7) Spa Days! Massages, saunas and steam baths a few days a week for the several weeks leading up to the event. This will increase circulation throughout the body, decrease stress and will leave you feeling ready to walk the carpet.
8) Get plenty of Omega Fatty Acids. Whether you take a supplement or eat fish like Salmon, Omega Fatty Acids help to improve skin and hair. Get that glow!
9) Make sure your undergarments deserve an award! Wear a proper fitting bra and compression wear to give a little extra last minute help.
10) Moisturize everything! Chances are, you will have some skin showing so make sure your bare shoulders or long legs are smooth and soft.
11) Get a last minute lift & tighten with Lift MD Aesthetics® Radiance Face Lift. Part of Lift MD Aesthetics® line of skincare.
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